Organization has not always been my strong suit. When I first started teaching I used post it notes to help remind me of things to do throughout the school day. I would stick my post its all over my computer screen so I would make sure to remember to actually get them done, My students always joked that I couldn't really see my screen because of so many post it notes covering it, and sadly this was true. Over the years I have incorporated technology to help me stay organized. I use the notes app daily to help keep me on track and to make daily to do lists. These apps on my iPhone and iPad have proven to be extremely helpful.
My school recently switched our school email to gmail. This has been extremely beneficial for both students and teachers. Being able to share documents through Google is particularly useful. Teachers are able to directly edit student work and send it back for them to review. I have not used this feature with my students but I have heard it is extremely efficient for both groups. I email back and forth with my band booster president several times each week. Whether it is fundraising letters or meeting agendas we share documents on a regular basis through gmail and it has been a great way to work together without having to meet one on one.
Another Google feature that was discussed in the lecture was Google Hangouts. I have used this several times in the last six months or so. I had always used FaceTime to video chat in the past. With Google Hangouts you are able to video chat with more than one person at a time which is extremely helpful. I have thought about incorporating this app into my classroom next year. It could be used to help students struggling on their instrument, Since after school seems to be such a difficult time to meet and rehearse with my students a program like Google Hangouts may even allow me to give some small lessons via video chat.
The great thing with technology is the possibilities are endless!